Diabolo freestyle show

The best diabolo show you have ever seen!

Percussion, flatland bmx, freestyle soccer and jump rope

3 drummers + 3 freestylers = energy

Rocking horse handstand act

Powerful handstand act at a rocking horse, impressive for each high level event.

Beatbox act

Stop searching for an awesome beatboxer because you did find him here!

Super jump legs LED act

ultra human shoes that makes you to fly as an acrobat, great show!

LED jump rope show

LED is hot and for sure during a jump rope show!

Mirrorball rhythmic act

Rhythmic gymnastics act performed in combination with a mirrorball.

1001 nights

A spectacular 1001 nights show with circus, acrobatics, bmx, trialbike and acrogym.

La bascule act

Ping pong ball tricks and high flips at the bascule, what a creative combination!

LED major crew

30 LED dancers openingshow in a soccer stadium.