online zoom mindfucks

Great interactive mind fuck show at zoom (also possible in English)
Lenght: 10 – 45 min

Luminous dance

Back to the future LED dance show, up to 45 min!

Diabolo freestyle show

The best diabolo show you have ever seen!

Super jump legs LED act

ultra human shoes that makes you to fly as an acrobat, great show!

LED jump rope show

LED is hot and for sure during a jump rope show!

LED major crew

30 LED dancers openingshow in a soccer stadium.

LED girls dance act

‘Girl Power’combined with the lastest LED technology.


Unique BMX act with LED effect, just watch and enjoy!

LED acrobatic dunks

Hightech acrobatic dunks, simply amazing!

Logopainting juggling act

Reveal your logo in an unique way.