Rocking horse handstand act

Powerful handstand act at a rocking horse, impressive for each high level event.

1001 nights

A spectacular 1001 nights show with circus, acrobatics, bmx, trialbike and acrogym.

La bascule act

Ping pong ball tricks and high flips at the bascule, what a creative combination!

Freerunning ladder act

Freerunning, gymnastics, saxophone and clarinet, all combined in a crazy ladder act.

Airskating duo

A magical acrobatic duo that is combining skating and straps to fly in the air.

LED acrobatic dunks

Hightech acrobatic dunks, simply amazing!

Acrobatic basketball team

Dunks over a car and at a driving train, no challenge is too big for this team.

Trampoline Sky High

Circus themed trampoline streetshow with extreme flips and acrobatics.

Allround artist

Some artists can perform in any production; he can do it all.

Two straps act

Flexibility, coordination, strength and emotion, high in the sky performed on straps.